Half-Day Singing Workshop in Oxford

New Choir in Oxford are organising a half-day singing workshop for September 24. They will be looking at techniques to improve breath control, vocal stamina and voice projection, using the following pieces:

  • WH Harris, Holy is the True Light
  • GP Victoria, O Quam Gloriosum
  • S Rachmaninov, Bogoroditsye Devo
  • A. Bruckner, Christus Factus Est

FEE: £20 (non-members), £15 (members), £5 (students) to include music and refreshments. .

Saturday 24 September, 2.00–5.00pm, New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, Oxford

For registration information https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/and-breathe-tickets-388224228117?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

and more more information about newCHOIR: www.newchoir.org.uk/workshop